Love & Lust ,Passion & Violecne
In the Play there many different themes. Two of the themes i have noticed is 'Love & Lust" and "Passion & Violence Go Hand to Hand". Throughout the story i have noticed many quotes that support these two themes .
For the theme Passion & Violence, and Love & Lust ,two quotes have really stood out for me
Love & Lust
The First 1 is "Alike bewitched by the charms of looks" this quote is about Romeo and Juliet. This quote means that both Romeo & Juliet fell for each others looks. This means that they only fell in love because they look beautiful not because of there personality. The definition of lust is - to have a yearning or desire; have a strong or excessive craving, Romeo fell in love with Juliet over lust of her beauty
Passion & Violence Go Hand to Hand
The other theme we see in this play is Passion & Violence Go Hand to Hand. " My only love sprung from my only hate" Now is the time for a little back story. Romeo is a Montague, and Juliet is a Capulet. These two families have a rivalry and despise each other greatly. Back to my point Juliet is trying to say that her one only true love is someone from a family that her family despises.
This needs to be better organized Janaat. You also have to make sure that you have your theme statements articulated right away so that your audience knows what your views and therefore what your argument is going to be.