Everybody knows the story of Romeo and Juliet. Boy meets girls, family disproves. Boy and girl end up dying. This Classic story was written in 1599. Many things have changed from their time to ours. For example ,women back then were looked upon as the weaker sex were nowadays women are seen as equals.Although this a classic story written by Shakespeare, looking upon it we can find many gender stereotypes. Recently for my class we read the play. Where I read the role of "Sampson". During one of is lines I noticed that what he had said was a stereotype that women were the weaker sex. "Women, being the weaker vessels, are ever thrust to the wall: therefore I will push Montague's men from the wall, and trust his maids to the wall."
For those who didn't get it the first time don't worry, i didn't either. Basically what Sampson is trying to say is that women are weaker or lesser than men. It might make you made when you read this, but that is how people thought if women back then. This is significant to the play because the women are treated unfairly throughout the whole play. For example later on in the play Lord Capulet decides to marry his daughter Juliet to a man named Paris. When Juliet refuses he beats on her and say to her that she belongs to him and f she does not wish to follow his orders then he will abandon her on the streets to die. Juliet as the "weaker sex" is forced to listen to her fathers words.
Great post Janaat! Well argued. Make sure you watch your spelling and your grammar when you are posting though!